Art, Education, Healthcare & Sustainability
About the Delegation
Join us on a delegation to learn directly from the Cuban people about their complex and dynamic society. What advances have been made in areas of education, healthcare, the arts, and sustainability? What can the rest of the world learn from Cuba? What challenges remain? What impact do U.S. policies have on the lives of Cuban people? How can we best work in solidarity with the Cuban people?
This people-to-people delegation will explore questions such as these through conversations with youth, artists, doctors, professionals, families, educators, musicians, economists and neighborhood organizing committees. Visits to artists' collectives, urban agriculture projects, museums, and historical sites provide an on-the-ground immersion into Cuban life and culture. Delegates located in the Raleigh/Durham area are encouraged to apply.
Ground cost: $2,400 + $100 visa fee (sliding scale and fundraising support is available)
The delegation fee covers all in-country expenses (lodging, travel, meals, interpretation, etc.) along with pre-travel resources, reading lists, and support. The delegation fee also covers our international team’s expenses for delegation preparation and coordination. Any amount paid over the delegation fee will go to support delegation scholarship and sliding scales, helping to ensure the delegations are more accessible to everyone. A delegation payment of $2400 or more is ideal to cover all of your expenses and the broader delegation needs-- please pay this amount if you have institutional support or other financial resources.
Sliding scale: $1,800-$2,400
To request a sliding scale option, please fill out a scholarship form here.
Delegation dates: July 18-27, 2025
Deposit & application: $300 due May 2nd, 2025
May 2nd, 2025

Meet the delegation coordinators
Jennifer S.
Micah S.
Micah is a junior at Enloe Magnet High School in Raleigh, NC. He is part of the IB Programme and is co-president of the Amnesty International Club at Enloe. He is on the swim team at Enloe and enjoys playing the piano and guitar in his free time as well as exploring the wooded areas around his home.
Jennifer teaches world history and Theory of Knowledge at a high school in Raleigh, NC. In her spare time she enjoys reading and hiking with her dog and family and being active in her church's social justice work. Cuba 2025 will be her second time organizing a Witness for Peace delegation.
Your Ground Costs for a Solidarity Collective Delegation include almost everything in the 10 day journey
Payment Information
MAIL CHECK (Save us $ on processing fee):
Witness for Peace
5123 W. 98th St. #1129
Minneapolis, MN 55437
Kindly write checks out to Witness for Peace and DO NOT write Cuba in the memo
For More Information
For more details, contact cuba@solidaritycollective.org

Costs and Funding
Pre-departure orientation
Ground transportation
Comfortable accommodations
Three daily meals and snacks
Spanish-English interpretation
Honoraria for local organizations and presenters
Experienced U.S.-based activists to accompany the delegation as Coordinators
Ground Costs do not cover:
International airfare
Souvenirs and gifts
Extra tips - we give a group tip to our guide and driver at the end of the journey
2023 Ground Costs: $2,400
We provide sliding scale pricing and resources for your fundraising.