June 19 | report
July 19 | urgent action
demand an end to forced displacement in buenaventura, colombia
Just within the past month, confrontations between paramilitaries - largely between groups known as Bustamantes and Urabeños - have threatened the physical, social, and economic health of Buenaventura residents in the following ways:
Over 200 families were displaced in early July from the Alberto Lleras Camargo community. They have begun returning to their homes without guarantees of safety.
Paramilitaries have struggled to retake control of the first, groundbreaking urban Humanitarian space, Puente Nayero. Leaders of the community have received multiple death threats.
In Bajo Calima, the Indigenous community Santa Rosa de Guayacán has been confined to their land - unable to travel for school or economic activities - following the murder of an Afro-Colombian woman in the area. This community has a history of multiple displacements despite precautionary measures ordered in 2011 by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
A young student, Juan David Vivas Ramírez, was killed in the crossfire near the Alberto Lleras Camargo community on July 1st.
This same day, 10 masked armed paramilitaries were stationed in front of the home of Luis Yasmani Grueso, who also has precautionary measures granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. He has National Protection Unit protection, but this is not sufficient to meet the risk he faces.
Some schools have suspended classes due to the ongoing violence.
Just today, July 26th, Carlos A. Tobar, a member of the Civic Strike Committee, was shot six times in his home. He has been rushed to the hospital for treatment.