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Become a member of WFPSC new membership program. Your contribution provides crucial support for Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective's work in building transnational grassroots solidarity to resist U.S. government and corporate policies that contribute to violence, poverty and oppression in the Americas.
"The delegation experience provoked a deeper part of my humanity that is pervasively dormant in the states. The part that recognizes the well-being of the individual as nurtured by the well-being of the collective; that paints every corner of the country with affirmations of freedom, love, and humanity; the part that smiles effortlessly; laughs a ton; and can repurpose a literal trash dump into a vibrant neighborhood cultural arts cooperative, gallery, and school."
-Ebony Sinnamon Johnson, Advocate for Black Youth, California
Moving forward and saying goodbye
To read our letter about closure of Colombia and Honduras programs, click the links below.
The viability of the WFPSC program in Cuba will be decided in July of 2025. If you are interested in going on a delegation to Cuba, please see our upcoming delegations.
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