June 14-23, 2024
About the Delegation
Cuba has a rich history of Arts and emancipatory action that has inspired the world. Join us as we explore the heart of Cuba through the perspective of Poetry, Dance, Music, and other contemporary Art forms. Together we will learn about the unyielding strength of Cuba's civil society and how their soul-centering work is the intersection of education, healthcare, culture, and artistry.
Delegates will meet:
Teachers and Literacy Campaigners: who will tell us about the right to free education from daycare through university, about literacy campaigns in Cuba and across the world
Popular educators and journalists: at the MLK Centre, a hub for pedagogical resources and training
Cultural workers: musicians, visual artists, dancers, and print-makers, and we will visit galleries, museums, public parks, and memorials
Medical students and practitioners: who ensure the right to healthcare that is free and universal, practice medical solidarity across 40+ countries, training students from the Global South and working-class USA and lead in biopharmaceutical production
Residents: who have benefited from efforts to eradicate homelessness and segregation, and to build dignified housing and the subsidized transportation, electricity, and telecommunications necessary in the city and rural life
People’s historians: who accompany the Cuban people in the fight for self-determination and sovereignty in the face of the colonial legacies, the US Blockade, and military occupation of Guantanamo Bay
Delegation Fee: $2400
The delegation fee covers all in-country expenses (lodging, travel, meals, interpretation, etc.) along with pre-travel resources, reading lists, and support. The delegation fee also covers our international team’s expenses for delegation preparation and coordination. Any amount paid over the delegation fee will go to support delegation scholarship and sliding scales, helping to ensure the delegations are more accessible to everyone. A delegation payment of $2400 or more is ideal to cover all of your expenses and the broader delegation needs-- please pay this amount if you have institutional support or other financial resources.
Sliding Scale: $1,800-$2,400
To request a sliding scale option, please fill out a form here.
Delegation Dates: June 14-23, 2024
Deposit: $300 - Due March 23rd, 2024, remaining delegation fee due May 21, 2024
Refund policy: Read our full refund policy here
Your Ground Costs for a Solidarity Collective Delegation include almost everything in the 10 day journey
Payment Information
MAIL CHECK (Save us $ on processing fee):
Witness for Peace
5123 W 98 St. #1129
Minneapolis, MN 55437
*Please note the name of the delegation on the check
For More Information
For more details email: cuba@solidaritycollective.org

Costs and Funding
Pre-departure orientation
Ground transportation
Comfortable hotel and community homestay accommodations
Three daily meals and snacks
Popular education workshops
Spanish-English interpretation
Honoraria for local organizations and presenters
Experienced U.S.-based activists to accompany the delegation as Delegation Coordinators
Ground Costs do not cover:
International airfare
Souvenirs and gifts
Extra tips - we give a group tip to our guide and driver at the end of the journey

jae hubay
natalia fajardo
Natalia has been the Cuba Program Co-Director since February 2022.
Jae has been the Cuba Program Co-Director since August 2022.
2024 Ground Costs: $1,800-$2,400
We provide support and resources for your fundraising.

Matthew ‘Cuban’ Hernandez is a poet, emcee, speaker, actor, and performance coach from Jacksonville, Florida. He has toured as far as Abu Dhabi and nearly every major city in the United States and Europe, performing, teaching and coaching poetry. A teaching artist for over 15 years, Matthew has spent the last 10 years working in youth detention centers across Los Angeles County, currently serving as the Director of Camp Programming for Street Poets, Inc. In addition, he is a current Lead Teacher and Co-Founder of Spoken Literature Art Movement. Cuban has opened for artists such as Wu-Tang, performed for platforms such as BuzzFeed and NPR, and even appeared on the award-winning television show, Better Things. Matthew is also a three-time Southern Fried poetry slam champion and an award-winning poetry coach. Cuban’s favorite activity is making people feel great; sometimes he does this through hip hop and poetry.