Understanding Empire:
Migration, Extractive Industry & Dispossession
About the Delegation
For decades, the United States has treated Honduras as its “backyard,” continuously intervening in the internal affairs of the country while advancing policies of militarization and neoliberalism. These policies, while benefiting the United States and its corporations, have dept Honduras in a perpetual state of instability, marked by deeply entrenched dynamics of corruption, violence, and poverty that have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to the United States. On this delegation, delegates will meet with grassroots organizations and communities that have been directly affected by U.S. sponsored militarization and dispossession. In doing so, delegates will gain a better understanding of U.S. foreign policy as a root cause of migration and will work together to generate collaborative strategies for addressing US intervention responsible for human rights abuses against Honduran communities.
We are excited to announce that this delegation is a joint collaboration between the Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective and the Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America. Folks based in Missouri are especially encouraged to apply.
Delegation Fee: $2,000 + airfare. The delegation fee covers all in-country expenses (lodging, travel, meals, interpretation, etc.) along with pre-travel resources, reading lists, and support. The delegation fee also covers our international team’s expenses for delegation preparation and coordination. The delegation fee does not include flight costs.
Any amount paid over the delegation fee will go towards subsidizing our sliding scale option offered to potential delegates who may not be able to afford the delegation fee. This ensures that the delegation is accessible to everyone. A delegation payment of $2500 or more is ideal to cover all of your expenses and the broader delegation needs-- please pay this amount if you have institutional support or other financial resources.
Sliding Scale: $1,400 -$2,500, request sliding scale amount on application.
Deposit: $300 by October 1st, remaining delegation fee due November 15th
Vaccination Policy: We require that all delegates be fully vaccinated and we ask that you please get your booster shot. Read our full vaccination policy here.
Payment OPTIONs
OR MAIL CHECK (Save us $ on processing fee):
Witness for Peace
5123 W 98 St. #1129
Minneapolis, MN 55437
*Please note the name of the delegation on the check