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No Nos Creen (They Don’t Believe Us)

Por un campesino desplazado de Argelia, 3 de noviembre de 2009 By a small-scale farmer displaced from Argelia, November 3, 2009

Ayer dijimos que nos están asesinando, descuartizando, desapareciendo, deplazando, torturando, maltratando, y no nos creen.

Yesterday we told them that we are being assassinated, dismembered, disappeared, displaced, tortured, and battered, and they didn’t believe us.

Que somos víctimas del estado, y no nos creen.

That we are victims of the state, and they don’t believe us.

Que el ejército, policías y paramilitares son los mismos, y no nos creen.

That the army, the police, the paramilitaries are all the same, and they don’t believe us.

Que tantas madres lloran a sus hijos asesinados, desaparecidos. Que muchos niños lloran a sus padres desaparecidos, y no nos creen.

That many mothers weep over their assassinated and disappeared sons. That many children cry for their disappeared parents, and they don’t believe us.

Les decimos al mundo que en Colombia hay una guerra declarada contra el campesino, y no nos creen.

We told the world that in Colombia there is a war declared against the campesinos, and they don’t believe us.

Que en Colombia la gente muere a los 15, a los 20, a los 30 cuando puede morir a los 100 años, y no nos creen.

That in Colombia people die at the ages of 15, 20 or 30, when they should die at the age of 100, and they don’t believe us.

Que mi pueblo sueña, sufre, y llora, y no nos creen.

That my people still dream, suffer and cry, and they don’t believe us.

Que los mirlos ya no cantan, que los gorriones están tristes y los árboles desojados, y no nos creen.

That the blackbirds no longer sing, that the sparrows are sad and the trees tired, and they don’t believe us.

Que los arrullos de nuestros niños son traqueteos de metralla, y no nos creen.

That the lullabies we sing to our children are the clanging of shrapnel, and they don’t believe us.

Que fumigan nuestros campos que cuidamos y que nos desaparecen, y no nos creen.

That they fumigate the fields we care for and that they disappear us, and they don’t believe us.

Que queremos dormir en esos campos, viendo un nuevo amanecer, y no nos creen.

That we want to sleep on our lands and watch the sun rise, and they don’t believe us.

Que nos discriminan en las ciudades porque somos desplazados, y no nos creen.

That in the cities we face discrimination because we are displaced, and they don’t believe us.

Que nos juzgan, nos condenan como si fuéramos delincuentes, y no nos creen.

That they judge us, they condemn us as if we were criminals, and they don’t believe us.

¿Qué pasa que no lo ven? ¿Por qué no nos creen?

Why can’t you see? Why don’t you believe us?


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